DFINITY Foundation Teams Up with Web3Labs to Drive Blockchain Innovation and Ecosystem Upgrade in Asia




3-Month Acceleration and Landing Program




Engage experienced professionals from the blockchain, finance, and technology sectors to serve as mentors, providing guidance, sharing their expertise, and offering valuable advice to entrepreneurial teams.

Offer seed capital, angel investments, and venture capital opportunities to meet the financial requirements of projects at various stages, from concept development to commercialization.

Provide comprehensive technical support for blockchain development, including smart contract writing, security audits, and other technical aspects, to facilitate the successful realization of projects.

Collaborate with media outlets and community organizations to effectively promote projects, enhance their visibility, and generate increased awareness within the target market.

Foster meaningful connections with investment organizations, strategic business partners, and industry experts, creating valuable networking opportunities and expanding business horizons for projects.


Johnny Ng

Member of the CPPCC member of HKSAR Legislative Council

Jack Kong

Director of Hong Kong Cyberport

Peter Lai

member of HKSAR Government Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Economic Advancement Expert Group

Alexandru Cujba

Founder and Executive President of BAI


Xiao Feng

Chairman and CEO of HashKey Group

Da Hongfei

Founder of Neo

Patrick Dai

Co-founder of Qtum

Forest Bai

Co-founder of Foresight Ventures

Sheldon Xia

Founder and CEO of GBM

Zheng Yushan

Co-founder of Waterdrip Capital


Co-founder of Huobi Group

Wang Feng

Founder of Mars Finance


Co-founder of Cobo

Kevin Shao

Executive Chairman of ABGA

Caspar Wong

CEO of Web3Labs

Mentors and Course Modules

The Accelerator Program features experienced mentors who cover various topics related to the blockchain and Web3 industry. The modules and respective mentors are as follows: Xiao Feng - Web3 Overview Module, Jack 
Kong - Metaverse Module
, Da Hongfei - Public Chains Module, 
Wang Feng - NFT Module, 
Shuai Chu - Blockchain Technology Module
, Shen Yu - Wallet Module
, Du Jun - Investment Module
, Caspar Wong - Web3 Industry Regulation and Compliance Module, Kevin 
Shao - Gamefi Module

*Please note that the provided course topics may be subject to changes and adjustments based on the evolving nature of the industry and the expertise of the mentors.


1. Recruitment Phase

Globally recruit startup teams, conduct online evaluations and interviews, and select 20+5 (Neo Hackathon winners) projects for admission.

2. Mentorship

Teams work under the guidance of mentors to further refine and adjust project plans, clarifying business models and technical roadmaps.

3. Demoday

After mentor guidance, teams present their projects, and the mentor group provides project ratings.

4. 1V1 Investment Matching:

Connect with Web3Labs Investment Alliance members for in-depth discussions.

5. Incubation and Acceleration Phase

Teams accepted for investment incubation receive $20,000 USD in financial support to begin project implementation and technical development, with regular progress reporting.



*The accelerator will collect a certain share of tokens (TOKEN) from each project, with the share percentage depending on the development stage of the project.

*Projects will undergo evaluation and screening by the Investment Alliance and the internal team at Web3Labs.

Technical Depth and Innovation

Projects must demonstrate technical depth and innovation in the Web3 technology field, including novel blockchain applications, decentralized applications, smart contracts, or other Web3 solutions.

Market Potential

Projects must prove potential in the Web3 market and have clear market demand, which can be supported by market research, potential user feedback, or user adoption suggestions.

Sustainable Growth Plan

Project teams must present a clear plan for sustainable growth, covering fundraising, market expansion, technical development, and team building.

Team Capabilities

Project teams must possess the necessary technical and business skills to ensure project success, including team members' backgrounds, experiences, and expertise.

Commitment and Collaboration

Participants must show commitment and willingness to collaborate with the accelerator, including active participation in mentorship, collaboration with other teams, and sharing experiences.

Legal and Compliance

Projects must operate in accordance with local regulations and laws, including legal structure, contracts, and compliance matters.

Web3Labs Ecosystem















The accelerator program will primarily use online communication, but there will also be various themed offline activities. The activity schedule will be communicated to the project teams in advance and will be arranged to fit everyone’s available time as much as possible.

If your project is selected, you will receive the interview results within 20-30 working days. The interview will be conducted online, where you will have the chance to present your project to our panel of judges. You can deliver your presentation in English, Mandarin, or Cantonese.

Yes, you can participate without registering a company. However, please provide your business plan and submit any supporting documents showcasing your achievements through the additional file upload feature!

If you have any questions regarding the program or the application process, please feel free to reach out to the Web3Labs team at info@web3labs.club.

When the project team submits the application form . The Web3Labs team will use the contact information and reach out to the project and provide further details and scheduling arrangements after being selected for the Accelerator Program.

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